About Red Town Blues

About Red Town Blues

About The Authors:

The Reverend-
The Reverend is a 24 year old living in Utah. He is an atheist, and not just a run of the mill atheist. He is one of those militant, radical, 'new' atheists. He lives with his girlfriend, who is the love of his life. The Reverend believes all humans deserve equal rights, not just white males in America. He enjoys video games, liquor, movies, curry, and arguing. The Reverend hates any form of racism, sexism, classism, homophobia, or hate-speech. Learn more about The Reverend here.


I am a proud father of an amazingly smart, intelligent, funny, loving little girl. I am deeply concerned for her and the kind of country this will be when she is my age. I am happily married going on eight years now to the most loving and patient person I have ever known. I am a proud liberal. I believe in social justice, fairness, and tolerance. I believe that socialism is desperately needed right now in a time that corporate personhood is running rampant and big banks, oil, and business corrupt our government and I'm fucking pissed off that the majority of idiot Americans don't seem to give a shit.
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